
Get to Padang, Minangkabau International Airport.

We recommend you search and compare flights on Google Flight, Skyscanner and Kayak.

Once you land in Padang, our ground crew will meet and greet you, and transfer you to either your overnight accommodation, or directly to the harbour, where you will board speedboat out to the retreat.

Board ocean craft for the channel crossing. We make all the arrangements from the harbour to the resort. It is approximately 4h boat trip.

Arrival and departure flight logistics:

1st day of your trip:

*Arrival flights must land no later than 11:30am on 1st day of your trip

Padang to Mentawai Surf Retreat

12:30 PM Loading Speed boat

1:00 PM Departure from Padang harbour

4:30 PM Arrival MSR

Last day of your trip:

Mentawai Surf Retreat to Padang

6:30 AM Loading

7:00 AM Departure

10:30 AM Arrival Padang

Departure flights from Padang must be scheduled no earlier than 1:30 PM on MSR departure day.